Our currently more than 60 members and partners from three schools of TU Dresden (Engineering, Science, Civil and Environmental Engineering), from TU Chemnitz and TU Bergakademie Freiberg and from numerous non-university institutions possess broad experience and expertise in the simulation of materials properties. It is our foremost goal to bundle these competences and to network with external scientific partners.
Students are trained for the next 50 years to come: Our currently more than 60 members at three schools of TU Dresden, at TU Chemnitz and at TU Bergakademie Freiberg offer a broad variety of lectures, seminars and student projects on current topics in Computational Materials Science with high relevance for future research and development.
An estimated 70 % of all innovations are based on novel materials. Currently, it takes almost 20 years from the discovery of a new material until it commercially exploited. Computational Materials Science boosts the innovation process and brings new materials faster to the market!